Get Prescription Medicines Straight From Our Pharmacy for 6 common conditions

Welcome To Pharmacy

Pharmacy First enables community pharmacists to supply prescription-only medicines, including antibiotics and antivirals where clinically appropriate, to treat seven common health conditions without the need to visit a GP. A prescription charge may apply if you are not exempt.

Patients can now get treatment for six common conditions directly from our pharmacy, without the need for a GP appointment or prescription.

Check your eligibility quickly and easily online and then our pharmacist will contact you to complete the FREE consultation online. You do not need to visit your GP or go and queue up in another pharmacy to be seen. 

We will even deliver any prescribed treatment to you FREE of charge.

What Are The Seven Common Conditions?

We can provide advice and NHS-funded treatment, where appropriate, for seven common conditions. If you have symptoms suggesting you are suffering from one of these conditions, just click on one of the button below to get started

If You Have Any Questions, Contact Us

Usual prescription charges will apply for the seven common conditions. Patients that were already exempt from prescription charges will still be exempt.